Up,down or sideways? Review the charts for any clues that may help you with your own research. Thinking for yourself can be a pleasure and developing and applying strategic stock market research skills could give you the edge...


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Let's look at a few restaurants...

  • Monday's HOT SPOT CHARTING short candidate

    OSI May Restate Results Over Gift Cards
    Potential liability for the restaurant chain is estimated at between $20 million and $40 million.


    CAKE, closed at support...

    CPKI, closed at support. RSI moved below trendline.
    Note the recent massive distribution day...

    LNY, upwards channel but turned away at resistance.
    Watch which way it breaks...

    The big money is made by the sitting, not the thinking.
    Once a position is taken, the hardest thing to do is to be patient and wait for the move to play out.
    "Jesse Livermore"

    EMAIL- hotspotcharting-ook@yahoo.com