How about the similarities between the QID & the $VIX...........
The following companies are among those reporting March retail sales as of Thursday:
Bebe Stores BEBE 0.1% 2.6%
Buckle BKE 10.7% N.A.
Cato Corp. CTR 7.0% N.A.
Children's Place PLCE 7.0% 6.0%
Claire's Stores CLE 8.0% 3.1%
Costco COST 6.0% 4.7%
Factory Card FCPO 6.3% N.A.
Gottschalks GOT 6.4% a2%
J.C. Penney JCP 10.6% c7.5%
Jos. A. Bank JOSB 1.4% 2.7%
Limited LTD 8.0% 6.7%
Mothers Work MWRK 4.2% a(2%)
New York & Co. NWY 4.5% 4.4%
Nordstrom JWN 15.0% 8.2%
Pacific Sunwear PSUN 14.1% 3.4%
Stage Stores SSI 12.4% 9.0%
Wal-Mart WMT 4.0% 1.6%
Wet Seal WTSLA 10.9% 7.5%
Figures in parentheses indicate a decrease in sales from the year-earlier period.
a. fewer than three analysts
b. reflects $153.4 million from acquired stores
c. department store sales
N.A. = not available
(Source Dow Jones Newswires)
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